Energy Star Application Techniques
Spray application of Energy Star heat reflective paints with airless spray equipment to cement tiled roof.
Spray application of Barrier - 1 st Coat.
1 Coat Required - Underfilm mould retardant
Spray application of Astec Barrier with an airless spray gun. Barrier is supplied as a 4 ltr concentrate that is mixed with 16 ltrs water before use. Use a 621 spray tip with an airless that deliivers at lease 3.8 ltrs of product per minute. Spray one fast coat to just wet the tile surface and give contact to any dormant mould spores.
Spray application of Multi Seal - 2nd Coat
1 Coat required + some touch up - Sealer and binder for existing tile surface.
Spray application of Multiseal with an airless spray gun. Spray with a 621 tip straight from the drum and ensure all sections of the tile are fully wet with sealer. Care should be takern to ensure the front edges of the tile are completley wet. Note; 1-Flush water from gun lines with Methylated Spirits before bleeding with Multiseal. 2-Flush Multiseal from lines with Methylated Spirits before bleeding with water.
Scratch test of tiles after 1st coat of Multiseal
On some highly porous tiles an addition touch up coat is required.
After the 1st coat application of Multiseal check the entire roof for any tiles that exhibit an unsealed dry flat appearance. Scatch the tile if there is any chalk remaining re seal these sections. Some tiles have a very thick layer of under-bound factory finish that absorbs like a sponge, it must be sealed and bound to a hard finish for strong perminant topcoat adhesion to the tiles.
Spray application Energy Star Tileshield PCM - 1st Coat
2 Coats required - heat reflective protective topcoat.
Spray application of Tileshield PCM with an airless spray gun on a cement tiled roof. Use a 621 or a 623 spray tip with an airless that deliivers at lease 3.8 ltrs of product per minute. Add up to 1.5 ltrs of water per 20 ltr drum of product. Ensure the side profile and leading edge of the tile is well covered. Spray the first coat Clockwise around the roof and second coat anti clockwise. This technique will ansure the entire tile profile is covered. Pay stong attention to the tiles leading edge.
Bottom three rows - Spray Technique
Safe and effective method.
Although there are numerous techniques to safley spray the bottom three rows of tiles, this video highlights one method that is quite popular. This method ensure the leading edge of the first row of tiles gets a full wet coat of product applied and that when coating the second and third rows walking backward you are further up and away from the leading edge of the roof.
Tiles after 1st coat of Energy Star Tileshield PCM
Energy Star Heat reflective topcoat.
1-Barrier applied
2-Multiseal applied
3-Fist coat of Tileshield PCM applied.
Spray application Energy Star Tileshield PCM - 2nd Coat
2 Coats required - heat reflective protective topcoat.
Spray application of Tileshield PCM with an airless spray gun on a cement tiled roof. Use a 621 or a 623 spray tip with an airless that deliivers at lease 3.8 ltrs of product per minute. Add up to 1.5 ltrs of water per 20 ltr drum of product. Ensure the side profile and leading edge of the tile is well covered. Spray the first coat Clockwise around the roof and second coat anti clockwise. This technique will ansure the entire tile profile is covered. Pay stong attention to the tiles leading edge.